Sarashina diary

The Sarashina Diary travels up the Tokaido Highway from the east to the capital. The diary begins with Sugawara Takasue, who was serving in the provincial capital of Kazusa (Chiba Prefecture), returning with his family to the capital, and his daughter, who was 13 years old at the time, later looks back and writes about it. At the beginning of the diary, she describes herself as ‘a person who was born in the countryside, further away than at the end of the Azuma Road’, and writes that she had grown up in the countryside, but when she discovered that there were ‘stories’ in the world, she wanted to indulge more in the stories of Hikaru Genji, which her older sister and stepmother had told her.
This girl was a country geek girl. She was the girl who wanted to grow her hair long and become a cool gay girl like Yugao and Ukifune(Characters from the Tale of Genji). She eventually read many stories in the capital, served at court, married a man recommended by her parents, and came to feel that the world was not as it seemed in the stories. The diary is readable in its depiction of the Tokaido Highway and the various patterns of urban humanity, which is the result of her brilliant imagination as a nerdy girl.

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