Japan Style: Methodologies for JAPANs

 Japan’s diverse cultures are supported by the unique sensibilities, talents and methods that run through the veins of Japanese culture.


 A characteristic of Japanese culture is analogy. The power of association and reasoning, as typified by the ability to see, has given rise to a rich array of performing arts, customs and culture. The ability to envision vast landscapes in the simple wabi world, the deductive powers of craftsmen who strive for the ultimate in taste, and highly contextual communication are all born from the power of ‘analogy’. In Japan, analogy always took precedence over logic.


 The analogy is also evident in the process by which the Japanese have adapted values imported from outside to suit their own style. Japanese kana character developed from characters imported from China, while Buddhism was arranged to co-exist with Shinto deities. In every aspect of life, foreign things that appealed to the Japanese mind were creatively arranged to fit in comfortably with Japan.

Japan also competes by combining its strengths, displaying a talent for analogy and arrangement. Instead of seeking value in individual superstars, it seeks value in awase and kasane. Both large idol groups and the multi-layered platforms of talent seen on variety shows compete through the ingenuity of association. Here we present the diverse methods and values stirring within JAPANs.    
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