Extreme Japan

At its roots, Japan has two deities who represent opposite extremes – Amaterasu, a Nigitama (peaceful spirit), and Susanoo, an Aratama (wrathful spirit). 

The dichotomy can be seen reflected in various areas of the culture. There is Kinkaku-ji (the Golden Pavilion) to represent the Kitayama culture, and Ginkaku-ji (the Silver Pavilion) to represent the Higashiyama culture. Kabuki has its wagoto (gentle style) and aragoto (bravura style). There are the thatched huts of wabicha (frugal tea ceremony) as opposed to the golden tea ceremony houses. Japan can be punk – flashy and noisy. Or, it can be bluesy – deep and tranquil. Add to flash, the kabuki way. 

Subtract to refine, the wabi way. Just don’t hold back – go to the extreme.Either way, it’s Japan.

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